Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Wonders of Nature.

Me and Mike have been doing a good bit of root digging here lately.  The woods are full of roots that can bring a few extra bucks to the house hold.  Been digging blood root, yellow root, Black Coewash, and wild yam.  We are spotting Ginseng as we dig and will be going back this fall to dig it once we are allowed to.  It is shocking but we are making about 40-60 bucks a every day that we dig.  The best part is that we are not actually gone all day we are only out for around 4 to 5 hours.  The woods this year are loaded if yam and yellow root.  Blood is abundant in a lot of places too.  The only down side is we are not seeing very much Ginseng.  Right here close to home people have just dug it to much and have really hurt the amount that is around.  Most start digging it in June and sell it illegally to people for like 40 bucks a green pound just to get money for pills and that is not letting it go to seed.  We are going to take a day and go dig an area that we figure as has been hit and see how much Ginseng is there while digging the others.  I am saving my money up and going to get a good milk cow this fall if I don't have one before then and if I have already gotten one then that is just some more money for the farm in general.  The rain is still keeping a lot of the farm work from taking place and it is starting to get to me but that's life in the country and I should be use to it by now.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

A day or two is all we need..

We finally got those ditches dug for the footer to drain. Took over a month and ended up having to hire someone to help out, but with alot of man power Chris and my brother dug them, By hand. Hopefully we can get it dried out enough over the next week to finish our foundation. All we need is a day or two..I thank God for the rain, but too much rain is hurting alot of people. We haven't been able to finish the garden, Heck, We haven't even been able to START the garden! Between all the rain, and animals digging up our seed or destroying our seed pots, theres a good chance we may not have one this year.I do know that the raised garden beds are out of the question now, just don't have enough time to get it done before its too late to have out the crops. This year is gonna be a test for Chris and I. I can just feel it. Farming wise I mean. Everything has been falling into place too easily. I Knew there would be bumps in the road getting there, but I guess I was a fool to think there wouldn't be pot holes big enough that we would have to literally CLIMB out of. I just have to keep reminding myself that there could be worse things in life happening. Because God knows there could be. I am just thankful that I have Chris , my kids, and a willing brother. Wouldn't be able to make it without em.