The Hellians

Kenzie's last game for cheerleading  was today and she done very well.  Shes growing up a little faster than Daddy would like. Not going to be long before I am going to have to put the fear of God into a few boys.  Pics and stuff will be coming soon.  Well soon as Holly puts them up that is.

This is our lovely family, from the heart of big poppa , all the way down to the youngest gun slingers known in these parts. AKA : James and Mckenzie. And our know it all Jacob .

Jacob is 10. Mean little monster who loves to argue. And usually wins. He loves baseball, archery, (which hes really good at), and begining to love shooting his .22 hand gun under supervision of course. He likes working the draft horses better that any other farm task. the oldest of our outlaws. :)

Mckenzie is our cute little 8 yr old cheerleader  who loves her animals including her horse Cinnamon. She doesnt like to argue. She would just assume back hand you as to deal with an argument. She is a girly girl who is'nt affraid to stand up for herself or to get her hands dirty. In our opinion , one bad ass chick.!  :) Not to mention daddys little piggy who can literally at times eat more than both her brothers.

James is 7. And 100% his fathers child. Mean to the core. Broke a kids nose 3 times the size of him in day care because he stole his stuffed doggy 'flops' . (at least he has his morals in check)!
Loves being out doors digging holes, getting dirty, experimenting with tools of EVERY kind, and just likes to see how big of a boom he can make, and the youngest of our outlaws.

 James and Jacob
 Chris and Kenzie
 our boys
 Me and Kenzie
 our OutLaws
 Jacob and Kenzie
Our kids are wonderful and we are very proud of them and who they are becoming. We  love them with every ounce of being in us and we know that we are not perfect, but our kids KNOW life as it is. We dont sugar coat it and wont. Life comes too quickly. They will be prepared and will know how to do everything they need to survive this life in a self-sufficient manner. Alot of people think our choice of life style is too hard on children. But the fact is that Life IS HARD. We would rather know we done our job as parents to not only love and care for our kids but to show them life, prepare them for life, and to stand for what they believe in and for what IS right by Gods standards and OUR morals.  This is our family. like us for who we are, or dont bother us at all.

Jacob had a birthday this week. He is 10 now. Almost a teenager as he likes to remind me OFTEN. I finally broke down and bought him the Nintendo DS he has been wanting like forever. Chris and I do not particularly like video games because there is just so much more to learn than that. But I have convinced myself that for those rainy spring days it will help ease his pre-teen boredom. Not to mention we are thinking about attempting a Virginia Beach Vacation this year and if this is possible, the game systems will be A LIFE SAVER on that 10 hr trip! LOL. But, he is happy and he knows the rules so we will see how it goes. I am gonna start putting bricks on their heads so they will stop growing. Seems like just yesterday they were wearing diapers...Where does the time go?

Got a chance last weekend to let Jacob shoot his pistol some.  He is starting to get really good.  I made him step off 20 steps which put him about 12 yards away from the target which was a 10 inch paper plate I had nail to a post.  I told him that the nail was the target not the plate.  5 out of 6 shots stayed in a 1 inch group.  Not once but with firing 4 cylindlers of ammo.  He hit the nail once.  I told him that he had to keep all 6 shots in that group then he could back up another 5 steps and then the same.  James and Kenzie also fired off a few rounds and they hit the plate at least 4 out of 6 times.  It is nice to see that they are learning to shoot straight.

April 2 2011

well now, Jacob has had his DS taken from him already. For bad grades. Found himself GROUNDED for a long time. Prolly no baseball this season either. he went from A's and B's to D's and F's.......By simply NOT TURNING IN HIS WORK!!  Hes doing it but not turning it in. I feel like ripping his hair out! I would never do anything like that of course, but why would you take the time to do it and NOT turn it in? In my opinion that is just STUPID. Not dumb, or ignorant, just plain stupid.  UGH. I love my kids, but some times I just dont understand why they do the things they do.The best part is that he cant even give us a reason on why he didnt turn it in. He just simply didnt.

Kenzie on the other hand, has improved drastically thank GOD. But still not caught up with the rest of her class. so unfortunately she will be repeating the 2nd grade. but she is Ok

James is doing excellent. Hope he keeps up the good work.

June 17, 2011
We had a great time on our vacation this week. The kids enjoyed the indoor waterpark at the Great wolf lodge, then had a heck of a time riding roller coasters and playing games at kings island, THEN spent a few hours at the Creation Museum. they has a blast and everyone was on their best behavior. But, I was also glad to be home.

July 22, 2011
I am so missin my babies right now. They have been visiting with their father for the last week and I miss em pretty bad. School starts in 2 weeks and i feel like I haven't seen em hardly at all this summer. Hopefully  this week will go by kinda slow  ;) James is now back in Idaho with his mother so i am missing him sooo very terribly also. wont get to see him til at least Christmas. But by then we hope to have the house done and that will be  a wonderful home coming for him. 

Aug 6, 2011
Well, kids are in school now as of Thursday. This summer was just so very short. cant believe its already  that time of year again.Same 'ol school crap too...crazy lists  of needs sent home.  OUR KIDS ONLY GOT THE BASICS> no need for all that other stuff. craziness I tell ya..Just craziness.



  1. yall have a gorgeous family and seems like a proud one. good to know that people your age havent given up on the old ways and that yalls kids will probably grow up to be the only smart ones of their time. keep teachin them resposibility, work ethic, and to fear God. cant go wrong there. glad theres still smart people in this world. good people.

  2. Thank you nice to know that there are other people in this world that actually believe in RAISING their kids as to just letting school and the TV do it for them. Our kids are not prefect but they are good kids and are respectful. I am proud to be there Dad and I hope that they are proud to have me as their Dad.

  3. Of course I think your kids are beautiful!!! An I think its very smart to raise your kids that way. Kids shouldn't be raised thinking things come easy. You have to work hard for what you want in life but its more rewarding in the end.

  4. to most pepoles opinion about hard on kids most would say yes but me no infact i think thats the root of all problems now a day if children are raised lazy thier going to grow up and raise their children that way and soforth in turn america is turning fat and lazy so keep up the good work man and yep it is a beutiful family especialy your handsome face lol
