Sunday, September 11, 2011


We lost one of our biggest babies today, Chris found her at the bottom of our cliff line. We are unsure, but think something chased her over it because there were no slide marks. She will be truly missed. Emmy was a very mild tempered, loving,willing 'ol lady. Always looking to please us. She loved our kids and had a great personality. Our beautiful girl and Chris's big baby. It really breaks my heart because he loved that horse so much, I know we will have another in due time so that Belle has another team mate, but there will NEVER be another one like her.
REST IN PEACE beautiful Emmy.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

time to relax...

So, Saturday was mine and Chris's anniversary. 5 years. Seems like just yesterday we were calling each other on the phone with shaky voices. I've known this man my entire life. I've never been so happy. I hope that I can HONESTLY say the same thing in the next 40-50 years to come. We plan on celebrating on Monday with massages,shopping, and dinner. And end the day with some well deserved..well needed ALONE time to relax and just enjoy being with each other. God knows it may be the last anniversary we actually get to spend together considering Chris starts his new job soon. SO proud of my baby. Its not everyday or just anyone that gets recruited by the #4 subsidiary security company in THE WORLD. I know he's gonna be gone from home alot more now, but this IS Chris. Always has been his dream since we were kids. AND THEY RECRUITED HIM! If he didn't take this opportunity, He may have never got one like it again. And I am NOT the type of person to hold anyone back from their dreams coming true. Ex specially the love of my life.

Saturday, August 13, 2011


ok. I have officially filled my brain with enough things to process, so I would appreciate it if no one else drops anything else on my plate for awhile. PLATE FULL!! Can't consume much more;) ugh! BUT- on the Brighter side of life, Chris and I have Planned out our Anniversary get away, and I am excited. WE really need it too. A couples massage, nice dinner, night out, get a room.... ;)....and then go spend the next day at the State Fair looking at the exhibits and watching the horse show. Will be a very nice get away and hopefully an even nicer stress reliever. I love you Christopher.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

what to do, oh what to do?

Had a very rough week this week, hard to know which direction to go. Feeling a little lost I guess.I just dont understand somethings and dont know how to fix somethings as well. Right now, Im just here if that makes sense. loosing your best friend isnt the easiest thing to do in life...and thats how I feel. But I know whats in my heart. And I DO BELIEVE love conquers all. so It has to get better.
But on another note, our tomatoes are about done producing for us and we still have lots of things to can that requires them so I hope we can find a produce place or something thats cheap enough. We still gonna have to buy peaches ,apples, and prolly more cabbage too. Really wish we could get our beef in the freezer soon...its been WAY to hot to even attempt to do that tho. But hopefully we can get some fishing in soon and deer season will be here before we know it...those two things will help out in the meat dept. Im just really hating the price of groceries right now. Upsets me terribly every week it seems something goes up in price. its rediculous. been at a stand still this week on the house too. Things we cant help just havent allowed us to continue. Think its driving us both nuts. But hopefully that will be back on track too soon. wish our fruit trees were big enuff to produce more. But that wont be for atleast another 2 years or so. (if we dont get aggravated at the dag on weeds and end up killing EVERYTHING we have to rid them out) Just another *thing* to have to worry about. I swear I HATE having weeds. not only are they an eye sore...but they KILL my allergies....attract bugs..snakes...all that crap that I dont like....OH AND SPEAKING OF BUGS>>> I could have REALLY WHOOPED Chris this week. I BOUT HAD A REAL HEART ATTACK. cried and everything. I think it was Wed evening , Jacob was looking for a movie to watch and there was this HUGE spider that had webbed and was just sitting there on its nasty little web waiting for an attack.....Chris went to try to kill it for me(between laughing his ass off and tawnting me with it)...>>>> and MISSED the ugly sucker!!! couldnt find it anywhere....hhuumm... THE NEXT normal morning stuffs....first things first,, gotta I turn on the light do my business...go to the sink to brush my teeth....get tooth brush, tooth paste, look in the mirror....(all while standing and leaning over the sink)...look down to turn on the water....UGLY SUCKER WEBBED UP AND LOOKING AT ME WITH ITS FRONT TWO LEGGS UP IN ATTACK MODE...........IT WAS SO BIG IT WAS LARGER THAN THE DRAIN HOLE!!!!! I screamed ...bout fell over the bath tub backing away from it....and started crying....ALL THE WHILE CHRIS is sitting in the living room...CRACKING UP. ASs HOLE seen it in the sink first when he was in there and left it ON PURPOSE to scare me. NEXT TIME......(there better not be one by the way) there will be a pay back...... he doesnt like snakes ya know............... It still creeps me out when I see that thing in my mind....ugh...just ugh......... But I do feel better now....missin my hubby.want to leave this place and want to go home to the mean ass. <3 <3 <3

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Stupid ass gov

Ok folks I would normaly put somthing like this on the shade tree page but I want to make sure that the few people that do follow or read this blog sees this.  To start with get over my color wordage to come, freedom of speech and freedom of press are mine.  Dont stop reading because of that cause the info contain is worth it, and I am to pissed off to attempt to remember that I have a large vocab.
   Looking around some homesteading forums and rural living sites I find that most of rural america is pissed of at the government and wants to do somthing to stop all the stupid shit that is going on up there on captial hill.  Well I agree.  Stupid shit like trying to spend your way out of det, or passing laws that protects us from ourselves or somthing as stupid as making farmers get a class A cdl to drive there tractors from on field to another need to be stoped.  One thing that seams to be the same no matter where I find these complaints is that people want to know how to stop it.  Well frist you should have listen in school when they told you have our Repulician form of Governement works.  But since aparently you didn't listen NOW.  WE THE PEOPLE have the power to run our country.  We elect people to do our will.  The problem is once they are elected they think that they can do what ever they want.  Well wrong.  WE THE PEOPLE need to stand up and let them know that if they dont do what we want then they will not be in office any more.  To start fixing it VOTE.  If you dont vote dont bitch cause you are a big part of the problem.  Yeah at times there is not a great person to vote for but still vote at least that way you can tell them that I voted and you are not doing what I voted for you to do.  The excusse that you dont have time to vote is nothing but a lie, your employer is required by law to allow you to go vote, so dont even try to use that one. 
    So if you do vote the next thing is to keep the people that you voted for on speed dial.  If somthing is going befor them that you like let them know if you dont like it let them know.  They can't do our will if the dont kow what our will is for fuck sake.  If you feel very strong on a topic let them know that is they go against what you want the will loose your vote and you will try your damnest to make sure they loose all of your friends votes also.  Send them letter, emails and phone calls.  Take 10 minutes out of your life to help ensure that we have a strong country for year to come.  If you can't take that much time then just shoot your damn self cause your stupid anyway and the world would be better with out you.  Dont be super nice either let them know just how pissed off you are over the topic.  Tell them that they are a stupid ass and start getting it right befor the American people come and toss there ass out of Washington.  Which yes we have the right to do it is part of the second amendment that every one forgets about.  We have the right to keep and bears arms (now get this) IN THE INTREST OF A FREE AND SOVERGINE NATION.  They try to take our freedom then we can and yes should remove them even if it has to be by force.  America I have said this many times over and am going to say it again GROW SOME DAMN BALLS.  Hell the fag grew some balls and are up there fighting so that they can be married and all that.  Yet we can't get up there fight for our right to feed our selves or to raise our childern the way we want, or to be able to talk to someone on the phone with out the listening in.  Boy it is said when a cock suckin faget has the balls to fight to demoralize this great nation but you can't get enough people to stand up and say hey this is my land not yours and I will use it how ever the hell I see fit.  It sickens me at times to think that I fought to protect poeple that will not stand up for there own rights.  That my friends are dieing on forgin siol for you america and you will not stand up for your self.  America the ball is our court, the court of the people, now are we going to take it to the goal or stand around with our thumb up our ass going "what do we do what do we do" or are we going to take back our great nation.  I guess that only time will tell.  I am going to fight for my rights how ever the hell that I can or have to.  I hope and pray that I am not alone.

Sunday, July 24, 2011


I've had a good weekend this weekend. Very thankful for it. been too many bad ones lately. Chris has been working like crazy on the house stem wall. Made lots of progress lately. I'm so thankful. I'm super excited about canning this week. Ive been wanting to learn how to do pickles for a long time! I think Ive shocked myself this year, because I have enjoyed canning so much. Its been my stress reliever and * ME* time. And I'm loving it! The *ME* time may come to a holt tho over the next week at least until school starts cause I got a little cow girl who's just as excited as i am about learning the process....and shes back HOME from her fathers house....ready and roaring to go at it. I cant wait to get home in the morning. <3

Friday, July 15, 2011

ppl really eerrk me some times.

I will never understand how people really think. I mean you can help someone to the best of your abilities in every possible area you can think of that they would need help.....then once they have your trust....prove out to be just the opposite that you were hoping for...FREAKIN DUMB ASS LYING FOTHER MUCKERS. and what errks me even more is when they are considered FAMILY.! I cant stand to be lied to or decieved like that. I can handle the truth 1000 times better than a lie ANY DAY FOR ANY REASON....all I can say is I've learned my lesson here.

Friend Deleted.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

So excited about tomorrow evening! I will finally get to spend some time with some family I haven't seen in awhile! Lots of yummy food....lots of activities and games...face painting for the hethians.....*sigh*....wish it was time already! 4:00 Monday here I come!
Not to mention I havent seen my youngins and Sexy Hubby in 4 days......... :( missin them too):

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Holly Made it!

Holly made it back from NC with our new puppy and he is cute as he can be a big too.  But it is nice to have her home safe and sound.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Perfect vacation..

Perfect vacation is an understatement! I was Absolutely amazed at how well behaved everyone was (including the hubby) ;) *wink wink* We had a really great time . This was our first family vacation. and the kids are already planning the next one! lol. I wasnt very pleased with the great wolf tho. I mean, they are an awesome hotel, but for the price I really expected more. but Kings island made up for the small disappointment. But all in all, I was glad to be home.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Family Trip

Well we leave on our family trip in the morning.  Just going to be gone for a couple of days, I can't bring myself to leave the homestead for any longer then that.  I have managed to be able to get in a little farm stuff while on the trip.  On our way back home I am going to be stoping and looking at a MaCormick Deering #  7 mower.  The guy says that it is in great shape and pretty much field ready.  I hope so since his asking price is good if it is and I think that there maybe some room for me to talk him down just a little.  I think that the kids will really enjoy this trip.  At least I hope and I hope that I can deal with all the people good enough not to ruin the trip for the rest of the family. 

  When we get home I hope that I can get my late ass corn out since the seed company did not tell me that they were out of the seed that I wanted untill it should have been here so I am having to wait a whole nother week to be able to get it out.  But it is a 120 day max corn which will still let me have enough time to harvest.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

weather broke

Well the weather has broke and we are getting back to work thank God.  Only thing though is that it went from piss pouring the rain to be freakin hot as hell.  But at least we can work just gotta make sure not to get to hot and to drink a lot of that nasty stuff the call water.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Wonders of Nature.

Me and Mike have been doing a good bit of root digging here lately.  The woods are full of roots that can bring a few extra bucks to the house hold.  Been digging blood root, yellow root, Black Coewash, and wild yam.  We are spotting Ginseng as we dig and will be going back this fall to dig it once we are allowed to.  It is shocking but we are making about 40-60 bucks a every day that we dig.  The best part is that we are not actually gone all day we are only out for around 4 to 5 hours.  The woods this year are loaded if yam and yellow root.  Blood is abundant in a lot of places too.  The only down side is we are not seeing very much Ginseng.  Right here close to home people have just dug it to much and have really hurt the amount that is around.  Most start digging it in June and sell it illegally to people for like 40 bucks a green pound just to get money for pills and that is not letting it go to seed.  We are going to take a day and go dig an area that we figure as has been hit and see how much Ginseng is there while digging the others.  I am saving my money up and going to get a good milk cow this fall if I don't have one before then and if I have already gotten one then that is just some more money for the farm in general.  The rain is still keeping a lot of the farm work from taking place and it is starting to get to me but that's life in the country and I should be use to it by now.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

A day or two is all we need..

We finally got those ditches dug for the footer to drain. Took over a month and ended up having to hire someone to help out, but with alot of man power Chris and my brother dug them, By hand. Hopefully we can get it dried out enough over the next week to finish our foundation. All we need is a day or two..I thank God for the rain, but too much rain is hurting alot of people. We haven't been able to finish the garden, Heck, We haven't even been able to START the garden! Between all the rain, and animals digging up our seed or destroying our seed pots, theres a good chance we may not have one this year.I do know that the raised garden beds are out of the question now, just don't have enough time to get it done before its too late to have out the crops. This year is gonna be a test for Chris and I. I can just feel it. Farming wise I mean. Everything has been falling into place too easily. I Knew there would be bumps in the road getting there, but I guess I was a fool to think there wouldn't be pot holes big enough that we would have to literally CLIMB out of. I just have to keep reminding myself that there could be worse things in life happening. Because God knows there could be. I am just thankful that I have Chris , my kids, and a willing brother. Wouldn't be able to make it without em.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Bad weather

This bad weather and all the rain has us pretty much at a damn stand still.  Got more going on right now and going to last till thursday night so not looking like much is going to happen in the next few days.  Need to finshe garden, get the garden finished, do some sawing, do some logging and get corn out not looking like any will be going on in the short term.  Looking like the lord thinks that we need rain so that is what we are getting.  I just hope that it dont completly dry up when it stops raining and dont rain any all summer.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Check out

Hey guys I have updated a couple of pages here to include a new thing in the shade tree take a look please.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

birthday party blues...

well, on the 24th of this month I will be 28 years young. And on the 22nd I plan on having me a lil shin-dig of a good time.Been needing to pull me one for awile anyways, Only problem is that every year for the past 12 yrs now, I have been trying to have me a good shin-dig....but something usually goes wrong and... hardly no one shows up. Kinda bothers me some. Everyone expects something from me all the time. And I dont expect much from ANYONE at any time. I have invited several 30 something ppl to this thing. I know all will not show, but I wish some of them would.I just really miss out on alot during the year due to working every weekend. I would just like to have one weekend where I could be with some of my closest family & friends that I dont see often. But I guess who ever shows, we will make it one HELL of a good time with a lil music, open fire , and some of my babys AWESOME home brew.
Happy birthday to me.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

A little bad news

The person that had the horse that Holly wanted I was cutting lumber to trade for it back out on the deal today.  Not really upset with them since they need the money for the horse cause they are having a baby like any second now so I understand.  Just sucks cause Holly really wanted it and trading is most likely the only way that we was going to be able to afford it right now.  They did still want to buy the lumber that I have sawed already but not going to sell it since it can go to our house and the only reason that the deal was sweet enough for me to do in the first place was my wife wanted it.  I will do a lot more to keep her happy then I will for money.  Her being happy means it all, and well I hate money.  That is one reason we want to be homesteaders.  The less of that crap we have to have the better.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

rain, rain, go away!

Come again another day! lol. It has been raining alot lately, so I havent been able to do the things I want to do . ie: finish the garden! I hope to see about a week of pure sunshine soon then the rain can come back and assist my garden in growing! :)
We've got so much to do. It is almost overwhelming at times, but I know we will get 'er done soon enough and in Gods due time. Working weekends some times puts a hold on things when I have to do them alone. But Chris is working as we speak. Sawing and filling in the footer. Looks like we are gonna need LOTs more rock.
I've got to get things more organized and scheduled out better so that I can help out more. Hoping that my new vitamins help to aid with this. so I do not always feel so crummy. anyways,

On another note, We sold two more puppies. So we only have 2 left! If you want one better jump on it cause we have one male and one female!!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Jacked up shit

The house page is jacked up half the post on it disappeared and all the pics went small and I can't change it and make it stick friggin this is why I hate the net some times

Saturday, March 26, 2011

What about that....

I have been looking online just about two weeks now and done LOTS of research on vacations and vacation ideas. Well, I found something very interesting. Home- Schoolers and their parents teaching them get MAJOR DISCOUNTS in almost all Historical Museums, (Including Williamsburg VA) science and nature museums, and surrounding hotels. Aquariums are starting to give these discounts as well. I just find this .. awesome. Encouraging people to teach their kids the correct history, science, math, and geography is a must in this country. Chris posted not to long ago on schools teaching our kids fictional crap because it sounds nicer. Well crap sounds nicer than shit but it still has the same damn meaning. But, my point being, I think that Places like the Live Indian Villages in TN and VA, the Historic Williamsburg VA, Yellowstone National Park, and many other places doing this is a GOOD thing. I give them prop's for trying.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Holy Shit now they are attacking great american books

On 60 minutes tonight I saw a thing over the term nigger in the book Huckleberry Fin.  Some teachers will not say it, some schools have band the book others are buying edited versions.  Boy what a way to shit on Mark Twain, freedom of press and free speech.

They way that I was raised nigger could be good or bad.  Mostly just meant you was black.  Working like a nigger was a good thing cause God knows that slaves worked.  But on the other hand it was used to refer to the bad of any race.  The part that gets me is that this book is an a American icon a truly great piece of American lit. and they want to change it all because it may offend some one.  Well folks grow some skin while you are growing some balls and the world would be better off.
Hey guys sorry it has been awhile since I updated anything on here but just been doing so much that I have been to tired to even get online when I come in.  Anyway went to a mushroom growing workshop yesterday.  I learned a good amount and have 3 shiitake logs and like 4 golden oyster logs working and should get a couple of shrooms this fall but most will be around next year.  Gonna get some portabellas going before to long also.

I am getting a lot of feed back that people are not able to follow me right now and I am not sure why.  I will be looking into it and trying to figure out what the hell is going on. 

Friday, March 18, 2011

awesome week....

we have had an awesome week this week. Several feet of lumber have been cut, footer dug, kids started cleaning out the loose dirt, one of the pups went to their new home, and took a trip to Lexington with the kids to Chucky Cheese for their reward for doing all their chores this month. I am very happy. And am soo blessed to have such an awesome hard working husband and wonderful kids.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Tired As Hell

Well it is 12:18 and I just got off the excuvator.  The footer is dug the cellar is dug and where I but hay out for the horse is as clean as it gets without an actual dozer or hours with a shovel.  Gotta few more thing gonna hit in the morning yippy yippy.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

march 12, 2011 best day ever.

Happy birthday to my darlin hubby!! He is so wonderful!! He spent today digging our foundation and even found time to dig a place for our cellar as well.! I feel like I am in a dream and if some one pinches me to wake me , I promise I will slap you! lol. I am just so happy and so grateful. I feel bad though that he has done most of the harder labor lately alone... I even feel a little guilty. Its not that I havent wanted to do it, just been a little preoccupied with other things ie: our 6 puppies.... and I'm not one to go working in the freezing rain and mud either. I HATE COLD AND WET WEATHER. Not to mention that some of those stones are as big as our children. But I know that Chris knows that if he would have asked me at any given time to help him, I would have.... without question. I want this as bad as he does. We are in this together.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Sooo Excited.... march 11, 2011

So the darling hubby is gonna start digging our foundation tomorrow. I can NOT express how Happy I am!! We have worked soo hard for so long to get this far. Our blood, sweat, and tears have gone into this homestead of ours and with every drop, and every tear... makes me that much happier and even Prouder. we are so close now that we can just taste the finished product so to speak. I have a very hard working man. Makes me proud to be called his wife. :) I hope to have some pics posted of our recent progress very soon.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Either I am really wanting my house done or I am crazy hell maybe both.  The rock that I hauled for the house today was done so in a 35 degree rain.  Hauled 4 loads a lot of which I had to go over with the hammer just so that I could get them in the truck.  Wore the all but 2 fingers out on my gloves so hands got wet and cold not to mention the wet sand basicly grinding down the ends of my fingers.  Plus having to stand in mud while I done everything.  Shh was not a good day on other notes either of which I wish not to get into.  I am tired and going to bed.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

After 12 years I finally get my book

With my wonderful 27th birthday coming up Holly got me the SPG Lubricants BPCR (Black Powder Cartridge Rifle) reloading book.  I have been wanting it for like 12 years now.  It is such a good book.  Well to me it is anyway.  Now if I could just come up with 2900 bucks to get the rifle I want I would be in heaven.  Yeah I know that is a lot for a rifle that shoots a 5 dollar a shot bullet.  But it is one of the few rifles that will drop a bull bison straight down at over a 1000 yards.  Talk about a trip just imagine holding that much power in your hands

Wife hooked me good

Holly has been wanting a Perchron weanling for a while now.  She found some that has one that she wants and now on top of everything else that I have to do I have to saw 2500bdf of lumber so she can trade it to this horse.  Like I didn't already have enough to do right.  But it will be ok since she really wants it and it will be able to do some work even though she is kinda not liking that fact I dont care to do it.  I just hope that it turns into what she wants it to be.  That will take us up to 5 head of horse plus a jackass 2 cows and 2 sheep.  Lota damn hay to feed all that.  But on the upside one cow is headed to freezer soon and so is one of the sheeps.  Nothing like knowing your food on a personal level. LOL.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Garden seeds are here.

Got all the garden seeds in the other day.  I ordered them online from R.H. Shumway's.  They had great prices and the largest selection of open pollinated, or heirloom seed that I have seen ever.  Also they are nice people to deal with.  Can't wait now to get a little green house set up and stuff started.  68 bucks in seed right now mean whole hell of a lot cheaper food bill form this summer on.  Ch-Ching