Holly's Home-made recipe's, remedies, and more..

    This page will be dedicated to any thing and everything homemade, from recipes to quilts, and everything in between. Please feel free to share with me your ideas and experiences for it is never too late to learn something new. And maybe I can help you learn something too!!

About a month ago I tackled my very first quilt. A King sized quilt at that. See I figured that if I tackled the biggest and most difficult one first then i could do my next one without any trouble...wont do it again,..at least not the same way I done this one. I learned MANY lessons in sewing with my sewing machine. When you are doing a very large project it is much easier to piece it together rather than do it as one piece. I bought a cheap King sized top sheet at a second hand quilting shop and cut my top piece to fit the sheet like using it for a pattern un-stead of measurement. Sounded great and was great until I realised that I do not have enough room in my trailer to lay that much material out flat to be pinned correctly 
and to make it square. It was a hastle! Then I ran into more problems when I realized that I had WAY too much material to fold/roll/or bend in any direction to sew the middle together. Broke 4 needles as a matter of fact, but in the end with crooked hem lines and lots of patching and cutting, I now have a large and pretty quilt. Been on our bed for awhile now, time for a washing....lets pray it doesn't fall to pieces!

Also in this small journey our daughter decides she cant live without a sewing machine of her own....The child is awesome with her brother sewing machine!! she had made her own pillow cases and another project as well. (her stitching is straighter than mine) and is learning to sew by hand
with little effort. She says and I quote " I'm ready for something else, anything as long as it is with you mommy. " Gotta love 'em.  :)

March 26, 2011

 found a recipe at
that I am dying to try! I have been saving old laundry detergent jugs for several weeks now. I almost have enough to start filling them up! wish me luck ! I will let you know how it turns out.

1 quart Water (boiling)
2 cups Bar soap (grated)
2 cups Borax
2 cups Washing Soda

* Add finely grated bar soap to the boiling water and stir until soap is melted. You can keep on low heat until soap is melted.
* Pour the soap water into a large, clean pail and add the Borax and Washing Soda. Stir well until all is dissolved.
* Add 2 gallons of water, stir until well mixed.
* Cover pail and use 1/4 cup for each load of laundry. Stir the soap each time you use it (will gel).

You can add between 10 to 15 drops of essential oil (per 2 gallons) to your homemade laundry detergent. Add once the soap has cooled to room temperature. Stir well and cover.

Essential oil ideas: lavender, rosemary, tea tree oil

For the bar soaps required in the recipes, you could try Fels-Naptha, Ivory soap, Sunlight bar soap, Kirk’s Hardwater Castile, and Zote. Don’t use heavily perfumed soaps. 

March 27, 2011
I have a recipe for chronic cough and cold that I know works. My momma used to do it for us and so did my granny. I personally had forgotten about it until I happened upon one similar . Feel free to use it/try it.
Hot honey, 1 teaspoonful every one-quarter hour, will break up the worst cold in one day. It will also relieve severe spasms of asthma. The constant use of honey keeps the throat in a healthful state, and it cannot be too highly recommended as an article of diet.
This recipe will more than likely work best if you use your own honey from raising your own bees. I have also heard that a teaspoon of your own raised honey will help miraculously with allergies due to the type of pollen . Its local. We will have our own bees soon enough and trust me, we will definitely put this one to the test, for we all have severe allergies!

Aug 6, 2011
I've been sayin I would put the spaghetti sauce recipe on here for a little while now and I keep forgetting to bring my recipe book to work so I can post it without leaving anything out, so I am going to try to do it from memory. so here goes.
you will need:
-Jars, lids, and bands
-bell peppers (any or all colors)
-Italian seasoning
-garlic powder
1)First you will need to blanch all your tomatoes. to do that all you need to do is put your tomatoes into boiling water for about a min(don't cook them) then immediately put them into ice water...peelings should basically fall off with little to no effort.
2).NEXT, cut , De-seed ,and remove as much juice as possible by squeezing the tomatoes. 
3).THEN, cook your tomatoes for about 45 mins to cook down the rest of the water, then puree in a blender or food processor and cook again for approx an hour.
4).NEXT, take your other ingredients and saute' them just enough that the onions start to become transparent. 5).ADD seasonings to your tomato sauce cook 10 mins or so longer. 
mins. (not long bout 5 mins
7).PLACE into HOT jars and then bath for 30 mins.

REMEMBER, when adding your ingredients its all about you and what you like in your spaghetti sauce. its different for each person. there is no set amount this is a *per your taste recipe.* JUST DO NOT FORGET TO ADD THE BASIL.  and if you decide to add meat...be sure to add more time for bathing your sauce and use a pressure caner.

Still have lots of canning to do, peaches , tomato juice, more sauce and pickles, apples..... so there will be plenty to come.Cant wait to do some of them...but with others it would be nice to have help..if for nothing else except conversation. Because let me tell ya, when you peel about 500 tomatoes all alone and it takes you 6 hours or more;  talking to your tomatoes seems to better than not talking at all!!  guess I'll be ok though as long as they NEVER talk back  ;)..lol 
