Saturday, July 30, 2011

Stupid ass gov

Ok folks I would normaly put somthing like this on the shade tree page but I want to make sure that the few people that do follow or read this blog sees this.  To start with get over my color wordage to come, freedom of speech and freedom of press are mine.  Dont stop reading because of that cause the info contain is worth it, and I am to pissed off to attempt to remember that I have a large vocab.
   Looking around some homesteading forums and rural living sites I find that most of rural america is pissed of at the government and wants to do somthing to stop all the stupid shit that is going on up there on captial hill.  Well I agree.  Stupid shit like trying to spend your way out of det, or passing laws that protects us from ourselves or somthing as stupid as making farmers get a class A cdl to drive there tractors from on field to another need to be stoped.  One thing that seams to be the same no matter where I find these complaints is that people want to know how to stop it.  Well frist you should have listen in school when they told you have our Repulician form of Governement works.  But since aparently you didn't listen NOW.  WE THE PEOPLE have the power to run our country.  We elect people to do our will.  The problem is once they are elected they think that they can do what ever they want.  Well wrong.  WE THE PEOPLE need to stand up and let them know that if they dont do what we want then they will not be in office any more.  To start fixing it VOTE.  If you dont vote dont bitch cause you are a big part of the problem.  Yeah at times there is not a great person to vote for but still vote at least that way you can tell them that I voted and you are not doing what I voted for you to do.  The excusse that you dont have time to vote is nothing but a lie, your employer is required by law to allow you to go vote, so dont even try to use that one. 
    So if you do vote the next thing is to keep the people that you voted for on speed dial.  If somthing is going befor them that you like let them know if you dont like it let them know.  They can't do our will if the dont kow what our will is for fuck sake.  If you feel very strong on a topic let them know that is they go against what you want the will loose your vote and you will try your damnest to make sure they loose all of your friends votes also.  Send them letter, emails and phone calls.  Take 10 minutes out of your life to help ensure that we have a strong country for year to come.  If you can't take that much time then just shoot your damn self cause your stupid anyway and the world would be better with out you.  Dont be super nice either let them know just how pissed off you are over the topic.  Tell them that they are a stupid ass and start getting it right befor the American people come and toss there ass out of Washington.  Which yes we have the right to do it is part of the second amendment that every one forgets about.  We have the right to keep and bears arms (now get this) IN THE INTREST OF A FREE AND SOVERGINE NATION.  They try to take our freedom then we can and yes should remove them even if it has to be by force.  America I have said this many times over and am going to say it again GROW SOME DAMN BALLS.  Hell the fag grew some balls and are up there fighting so that they can be married and all that.  Yet we can't get up there fight for our right to feed our selves or to raise our childern the way we want, or to be able to talk to someone on the phone with out the listening in.  Boy it is said when a cock suckin faget has the balls to fight to demoralize this great nation but you can't get enough people to stand up and say hey this is my land not yours and I will use it how ever the hell I see fit.  It sickens me at times to think that I fought to protect poeple that will not stand up for there own rights.  That my friends are dieing on forgin siol for you america and you will not stand up for your self.  America the ball is our court, the court of the people, now are we going to take it to the goal or stand around with our thumb up our ass going "what do we do what do we do" or are we going to take back our great nation.  I guess that only time will tell.  I am going to fight for my rights how ever the hell that I can or have to.  I hope and pray that I am not alone.

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